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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 101 > Continuing Series > The Missing Gelert: Part Four

The Missing Gelert: Part Four

by buddy33774

Finding the Lost

Pianto and Tetra pulled into the small Tyrannian village about a day and a half later. They immediately set off and asked everyone they saw if they had seen Aryll (which turned out to be a real challenge, considering none of the inhabitants spoke English).

     By noontime, the two were at the docks, looking for the pier-manager. Pianto soon found him and showed the green Koi the picture of their missing Gelert.

     "Yeah, I saw her. She came by about two days ago and rented a boat from me."

     Pianto was overjoyed at this revelation. "You mean you saw her? Where did she go?"

     The Koi scratched his beard for a second before answering. "Umm… I don't remember off the top of my head. Come inside and I'll show you."

     Inside the boat renter's shop, it smelled like fish, rotting fish. Fish that had been rotting since before Pianto had even been born. Pianto decided not to say anything to the Koi on the off-chance he might be offended. Too bad his partner didn't have the same idea.

     "Man, it smells like something died in here. I say something because whatever it was, it wasn't natural."

     Pianto clasped the Pteri's beak shut before he could ruin their opportunity. Pianto wanted desperately to find that Gelert.

     The Koi unrolled a giant map onto a table and pointed to an island on it. It appeared to be about thirty or forty miles off the main coastline.

     "She went there, to Onzent Island; probably to be with her own kind."

     Pianto looked up. "What do you mean, 'her own kind'?"

     The Koi seemed surprised at Pianto's question. "Why, that's the island of the Gelerts of course."

     "How much does it cost to rent a boat?"

     "What? Why would you want to know that, Pianto?" Tetra asked. "We're not going sailing, are we?"

     "Five-hundred a day."

     Pianto slapped a bag of Neopoints on the table. "We'll take it."

* * *

"But I don't understand why we have to leave tonight?" Tetra complained. "Why not tomorrow? Or never?"

     Pianto turned to his hydrophobic partner. "What's wrong, are you scared of water, too?"

     Tetra again hung his head in shame.

     "Pianto sighed and rolled his eyes. "Is there anything you're not afraid of?"

     Tetra looked up. "Flowers… no wait. Those big red ones scare me too."

     Pianto gave another deep sigh in response. This was going to be one fun trip.

* * *

Pianto lay on his back, staring up at the starry night sky above. The small red sail-powered boat he and Tetra had rented rocked gently, soothingly, beneath him. A gentle breeze ruffled his fur as he stared dreaming at the picture of Aryll, his angel.

     Tetra hung limply over the side of the boat (this troubled Pianto, given the fact that their boat was not very sturdy as it was and displaced weight was the last thing they needed). Staring out at the blue-black water, the green Pteri asked, "How far do you think it is to the horizon?"

     Pianto shrugged. "I don't think you can actually get to the horizon. It's not like there's a pot of gold there or anything."

     Tetra was mesmerised by the ocean water. "Wow, this ocean thing is really beautiful," (Tetra had never seen the ocean before). Pianto got up and looked over the edge. Tetra was, for once, right. It really was beautiful, the ocean spreading out in every direction, flat like a glass sculpture. This comparison was even more influenced by the way the ocean reflected the tiny diamonds of the sky, those things people call stars, off it's surface. Of course, it didn't compare with the beauty of the Gelert in the photo.

     Something continued to trouble Pianto. They didn't seem to be moving across the water. Pianto looked up at the sail. It was catching the full blast of wind. Yet the craft still continued to remain still. Something was definitely wrong.

     Pianto looked down into the sea's depths. Nothing. He went around to the back. This time, Pianto saw something, a large shadow or something. It appeared attached to the boat.


     Pianto was then knocked back by the force of the object shooting out of the water. The fire Gelert looked up to see a sight no fisherman's imagination could create. A giant squid was clinging to the back of the boat!

     It let out an ear-piercing screech, a siren showing its dominance. Pianto turned to see the Pteri huddled in a corner of the boat, shivering.

     Pianto had to act fast. He reached up and grabbed the mast, which held up the sail, snapping it in half. The half he had snapped off from the rest had a point on it. Pianto hurled the mast at the squid.

     His aim was true. The point went into the monster, resulting in it giving out a screeching cry. The squid withered and fell back into the water.

     Pianto turned to his partner. "It's okay, little scardy. The big monster's gone. You can stop shivering now."

     "I'm not shivering from being scared," Tetra replied coolly, regaining his posture. "I was just cold. I got a lot of water on me when the monster popped up."

* * *

The boat was pretty much intact, considering what a tiny weak thing it appeared to be. They had no sail, so Pianto and Tetra had to paddle the rest of the way. By evening the next day, they hit land. The two had arrived at Onzet Island.

     The shore was bare, not a creature in sight. Pianto was eager to get moving and find Aryll, but Tetra seemed less enthusiastic.

     "So do you really need me to come with you? I mean, someone should stay here and watch the boat, right?"

     Pianto gave his friend a baffled look. "What for? You're not afraid of Gelerts too, are you?"

     "It's not that," Tetra denied. "I'm just not comfortable being on an island with so many others that are different than me. It makes me uneasy."

     "Fine," Pianto answered. "Do what you want. I don't care." In truth, Pianto didn't care. But he knew that the Pteri would follow him anyway.

     Pianto was only twenty feet from the boat when he heard, on schedule, "Wait! Wait for me!"

     Going was easy through the jungle. Paths had been carved out by the Gelerts who allegedly lived on the island.

     After about ten minutes, Pianto could smell the scent of burning firewood. Peering through the bushes, Pianto and Tetra could see an odd sight occurring. In the clearing was a village entirely made of Gelerts. A large bonfire was lit in the middle of the village and Gelerts were all seated in front of it, their backs to the explorers.

     Past the bonfire, a large stage of some sort had been set up. A large pot sat in the middle of the stage. A Gelert, not much older than Pianto, climbed the steps to the stage platform. An elderly Gelert, probably the village chief, already stood on the platform as the younger one approached. The young Gelert seemed to be red, though it was difficult to tell in the lighting. He was very nervous.

     Pianto knew he had to get a better look at the ceremony. He silently moved in, blending in with crowd. Tetra held back, as he would not have blended in with the other Gelerts like Pianto.

     The tribal leader raised some strange object in the air, dipped it into the pot full of a strange unknown substance, and pulled it out. It was now that Pianto could see what the elder was holding; a paintbrush! The substance had been paint and he was going to paint the younger one a color, it appeared to be green (but a different shade of green, not the green you would normally see a pet painted).

     The elder drew a stripe down the young Gelert's back, he turned green (of course), and all the audience cheered.

     Pianto looked across the crowd as it began to disperse to get some food to eat from the nearby refreshment tables. As he did so, he saw a familiar face. He didn't recognize her right off, as she had been repainted the shade of green like the Gelert who was just on stage, but her eyes…they seemed so deep so beautiful -- like pools of water deeper than the deepest sea. Brown like hazelnuts in autumn.

     But was it her? Pianto ran to catch up with the Gelert quickly. As he caught up to he called out "Aryll." The Gelert turned to face him.

     "Yes?" she asked inquisitively, wondering what this strange Gelert was doing.

     Pianto breathed a sigh of relief. "My names Pianto," he said "I'm here to rescue you." The adventurer had finally found the lost.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Missing Gelert: Part One

The Missing Gelert: Part Two

The Missing Gelert: Part Three

The Missing Gelert: Part Five

The Missing Gelert: Part Six

The Missing Gelert: Part Seven

The Missing Gelert: Part Eight

The Missing Gelert: Part Nine

The Missing Gelert: Part Ten

The Missing Gelert: Part Eleven

The Missing Gelert: Part Twelve

The Missing Gelert: Part Thirteen

The Missing Gelert: Part Fourteen

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