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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 100 > Short Stories > Necromancy Black

Necromancy Black

by bludragn3

Story images by lupe_flare_13190
Legionnaire the blue Scorchio carefully dusted off a section of an ancient pyramid wall. He and his siblings and their owner, Bluey, were in the Pyramid of Tuknakia, a former Lost Desert king.

     "Why are we even in here? I mean, No one's ever heard of Tuknakia," Bastet, a red Aisha, said.

     "Be that as it may," Legionnaire replied, "there are many ancient treasures in this pyramid that I'd like to know more about. Besides, think of how famous we'll be if we succeed!"

     "If?" Darkmoon, a green Gelert, asked, already terrified of the situation. "W-What other possibilities are there?"

     "Well, like any pyramid, there are some hidden traps to prevent grave robbing," Legionnaire answered.

     "G-Grave robbing?" Darkmoon said, nervously.

     "Darkmoon, I'm sure we'll be okay," Bluey reassured. He took off his hat and wiped some sweat off his face. "The only thing we have to worry about is heat stroke."

     "Bluey, you are a frost dragon... are you sure you'll be okay in this heat?" Azure, a yellow Kyrii, asked.

     Bluey smiled. "I'll be fine."

     Legionnaire translated a line of hieroglyphics on the pyramid wall. "Okay, we should move on to the next room." He pointed his torch to the right. "This way!"

     Legionnaire and the girls had torches while Bluey had an electric lantern that he made himself. Darkmoon didn't have a torch because no one would trust him with fire.

     The group traveled down a long corridor, Legionnaire in front. Darkmoon was the unlucky one to press a hidden pressure plate. A large blade appeared a little ways down the corridor, stopping Legionnaire and company in their tracks. After a couple seconds, Legionnaire judged the blade had subsided and the group proceeded. Darkmoon's nervousness was multiplied by ten after that.

     The next room was a huge temple. Legionnaire ran up to a shrine and started translating hieroglyphics. Darkmoon looked around the room (probably for things he could loot), and Bluey sat down to rest. Azure and Bastet looked at a sarcophagus.

     "Wow... this place is awesome!" Darkmoon said.

     "The ancient Lost Desert people weren't known for subtlety," Legionnaire stated.

     "It shows!" Bastet exclaimed.


Meanwhile, another group of explorers went down a corridor. They were assorted species of Neopets, all dressed in black robes. The leader of this party was a red Kyrii. "Just down this corridor," he said, "and we'll be in the Tuknakia shrine."

     "But Master," a Gelert asked, "what if we encounter other explorers in the shrine?"

     "If we find others," the Kyrii said evilly, "we will eliminate them."


Legionnaire filled a notepad with thoughts about this shrine. "Interesting," he said while translating ancient writing.

     "Legionnaire, you've been translating that stuff all day. Are you going to tell us what it says?" Azure asked.

     "Oh, sure. See, I always thought Tuknakia was a king. But according to this writing, Tuknakia was actually a..."

     Suddenly, the other group of explorers appeared in the shrine. "What are you doing here!?" the leader screamed.

     "We're just acting in the interest of science," Legionnaire said, thinking quickly.

     "Never speak of science in my presence," the Kyrii stated, clenching his fists. "You motley band of fools have outstayed your welcome."

     "Hey! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!" Bastet yelled in retaliation.

     The leader of the opposing force put his paws in the air and said some magic words, conjuring a black fireball. He hurled it at Legionnaire, who was just fast enough to dodge it.

     "Don't go firing fireballs at my pets!" Bluey yelled.

     "Oh, would you rather we target you instead?" an arrogant enemy Kacheek said.

     "I grow weary of this," the enemy Kyrii stated. He held out his paw, and suddenly, Bluey and his pets were blown backwards onto the ground.

     "Ow! What the heck was that?" Darkmoon said, trying to get back up.

     The Kyrii, his black robes flowing behind him, quickly ran up to the throne. He searched it for one particular item. "What? The Scepter of Acnalta is gone!"

     "Huh? I sure didn't take it," Bastet said.

     Enraged, the robed Kyrii threw up his paws. "If I do not get that scepter, I will decimate you all!" A big black energy ball appeared above the Kyrii's paws.

     "Uh oh!" Azure said, hiding her face.

     "Oh no you don't!" Bluey shouted. He swung a staff he was apparently hiding in his pocket, creating a bolt of electricity that flew up and disabled the evil fireball.

     "Arg!" The Kyrii screamed, "Your blasted Shocking Staff!"

     "That's right!" Bluey said, proudly. "Built it myself out of a staff and some electrical coil!"

     "Didn't you use a large capacitor?" Legionnaire asked.

     "Yes! I forgot!" Bluey replied.

     "Silence! You may have won this time... but we'll be back for that scepter," the Kyrii threatened. He departed, along with his party.

     Bluey and company were relieved. They got up off the ground and dusted themselves off. Darkmoon walked over to Legionnaire. "Hey, Legionnaire... um, is this the scepter that Kyrii was talking about?" Darkmoon pulled out a golden scepter.

     "Darkmoon! You retrieved the Scepter of Acnalta!" Legionnaire exclaimed.

     "Wow, Dark, your greediness has come in handy for once," Bluey said.

     "Hey, guys, is it just me, or is something missing?" Bastet asked.

     The boys scanned the room. "Azure!" Bluey screamed.

     "The sarcophagus!" Legionnaire shouted.

     "Bastet's missing!!!" Darkmoon cried.

     "Darkmoon, I'm right here," Bastet replied.

     "Oh, right..."


Bluey drove his ATV away from the pyramid, while Legionnaire, Bastet, and Darkmoon rode alongside him.

     "Okay, Azure and the sarcophagus are missing. Where would the bad guys go?" Bastet asked, looking for answers.

     "There's one place they might be. I read in a book once that the only places a mummy can be revived is their own tomb, or... Coltzan's Shrine," Legionnaire answered.

     "Coltzan's Shrine? Why there?" Darkmoon said.

     "I'm not sure exactly, but it has something to do with the Crown of Coltzan. Wait... something's coming back to me... yes! They wouldn't need the scepter to resurrect Tuknakia because... they can use the Crown!"

     The whole group thought for a second and yelled in unison, "THEY'RE GOING TO REVIVE TUKNAKIA!!"


Coltzan's Shrine...

Azure was tied to a table in front of the Shrine. The group of dark robed pets that assaulted the temple of Tuknakia were there, chanting some sort of evil spell. The Kyrii leader took his place atop a pedestal. The sarcophagus was open in front of him, and the mummy within was wearing the Crown of Coltzan.

     "Oh, great spirits of the Dark World... I beseech you. Bring back the spirit of the warlord Tuknakia, and resurrect his fallen self!" the Kyrii chanted.

     "Warlord?" Azure said, puzzled. "Uh oh..."

     Bluey and Legionnaire had taken their places atop a nearby hill, binoculars in hand, er, claw. "It looks like they're proceeding with the ceremony..." Bluey reported.

     "But why is Azure there? They wouldn't be..." Legionnaire gasped. "Every dark resurrection must have a sacrifice!"

     "They're going to sacrifice Azure?" Bastet asked. "That's terrible! Who will help me fight against Darkmoon?"

     "Hey!" Darkmoon replied.

     "Guys, it looks like something's happening... I think the resurrection has started!"

     A white light appeared out of the ground and levitated above the sarcophagus. The Crown shined brightly while the light went into the mummy of Tuknakia. After a second, the mummy of Tuknakia the warlord Lupe rose out of its resting place. He stood up and rolled his head around, cracking a number of bones. It emitted a low growl.

     "Great Tuknakia, you have been returned to the land of the living. Welcome, my master," the Kyrii said.

     Azure was silent, in a state of shock.

     "Yes... I am grateful for your assistance in my revival," Tuknakia said, moving dangerously close to the leader Kyrii. "It is because of that I am sorry I have to do this." Tuknakia put a mummified paw on the Kyrii, causing the Kyrii to scream in pain. The Kyrii started to grow older and frail. When Tuknakia took his paw off the Kyrii, he was nothing but a robed skeleton, who fell to the ground with a clatter. Azure screamed.

      "Ah... a tribute for me?" Tuknakia asked, looking more like a Lupe because of the life forces he had sucked out of the evil Kyrii. "I will very much enjoy taking your life forces, little girl."

     "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Bluey shouted. He was driving the ATV with Legionnaire, Bastet, and Darkmoon with him. He intended to ram Tuknakia.

     "You think this piece of technology can harm me?" Tuknakia said. He put one paw out, stopping the ATV. He picked up the ATV, causing the riders to get a little scared, then hurled the ATV into a sand dune.

     "Ugh... that sure didn't work..." Darkmoon stated, climbing out of the wreckage.

     "Now, where was I?" Tuknakia asked. He moved closer to Azure. "Don't worry, little Kyrii... this won't hurt... very much."

     "No!!" Darkmoon charged, slamming into Tuknakia's back.

     "Darkmoon!" his compatriots yelled.

     "Oof!" Tuknakia turned around to face the Gelert. "So you want to seal your own fate as well?" Tuknakia placed his paw on Darkmoon's face.

     "Arg!" Darkmoon could feel himself being withered. Without thinking, Darkmoon placed his paws on Tuknakia's head and took off his crown.

     "What? No..." Tuknakia vanished, just like dust in the wind. The crown was his only link to the living realm.

     Bluey, Legionnaire, and Bastet ran up to Darkmoon's withered body. In a few seconds, however, Darkmoon returned to his regular self.

     The group of dark robed pets, sensing their defeat, threw down smoke balls and disappeared.

     "Darkmoon, you were wonderful!" Legionnaire complimented.

     "I guess you really can be heroic," Bastet stated.

     "Guys! Are you going to untie me?" Azure asked.

     "Oh, sure. Just give me a second," Bluey said. He looked at the ropes. "Well, hmm... does anyone have a pocket-knife?"

     "What? You guys are the most incompetent... letting me get captured and then not untying me! I've got a good mind to..."

The End

Author's Note: Well, another story completed. I hope you enjoyed it. Drop me a Neomail if you have any comments. But no hatemail or I'll wither you! Gaaa!!

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