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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 91 > Continuing Series > Faerie Swap: Part Two

Faerie Swap: Part Two

by opalgirl26

Untitled Document As the two enemy faeries approached the Faerie Queen, Fyora frowned.

"Jhudora? But I thought that you weren't allowed in Faerie Castle," Fyora said.

"I wasn't," Jhudora muttered, at the same time that Illusen said, "I'm not Jhudora."

"But, you definitely look like Jhudora," a confused Fyora said.

"I know."

"That's the point," Jhudora said. "She looks like me and I look like her. And we don't want it that way."

Despite feeling funny about it, Illusen shot a smile towards Jhudora.

"But -"

"Please!" Jhudora went down on her knees. (Even Jhudora was surprised.) "Please turn me back, I couldn't bear to be Illusen all my life!"

"I can't," Fyora said, sadly. "I can't help you. Only you can."

"How?! I haven't helped much yet!" Jhudora was back on her feet, and angry.

"Illusen - Jhudora, I mean - it doesn't work like that," Queen Fyora replied. In a quick flash of pink light, Fyora was gone. Illusen and Jhudora left Faerie Castle together.

"This is all your fault, you know," Jhudora said.

"My fault??? You were the one who came to my glade!"

In response, Jhudora went straight to the other side of the city.

"Jhudora!!!" yelled Illusen.

Jhudora paused, scowled, and stomped back.



Both Illusen and Jhudora turned around. Behind them was a little yellow Kacheek. "Hi Illusen!" it cheerfully called.

"I'm not Illusen!!!" yelled Jhudora.

"You sure?" it asked.


"But you look like Illusen," the Kacheek persisted.

"I know."

Jhudora swept past the Kacheek, brushing him with her Earth Faerie wing.

"Sorry about her," Illusen said, glaring at Jhudora's back. She gave the Kacheek a hug. But unfortunately, the Kacheek's owner, who hated Jhudora, came at that very moment. And of course, she didn't know that the Jhudora she saw was actually Illusen.

"What are you doing??!!" yelled the owner. "Why are you hugging Jhudora, of all Neopians!"

"I'm not Jhudora!" Illusen quickly rose to her own defence.

"I know you're a liar already," the owner said.

"I'm not!" Illusen said, angrily.

"But you look like Jhudora!"

"I know!"

The owner let out an angry sigh, and said, "Come on," the Kacheek followed her.

Illusen closed her eyes and faced the sky. She let the sunlight bloom on her face. (A few Light Faeries walked past, questioningly.) Then Illusen whispered.

"I don't want to be Jhudora," were her simple words. And she was beginning to turn back! But then Jhudora loudly came back, and disturbed her. She went back into Jhudora-mode.

They both stomped off, Illusen to Jhudora's Cloud, and Jhudora to Illusen's Glade. At Illusen's Glade, Jhudora was wondering what to do. She decided to trash Illusen's bedroom! How fun would that be? Jhudora muttered a few words to lock the door. It locked. Then Jhudora went upstairs and started.

An hour later, Jhudora stood back to admire her handiwork. The feathers from the pillow were on the floor. The sheets were all over the floor too. Jhudora had taken a few books, and thrown them on the floor too. And she'd jumped on the bed, but that didn't contribute to the mess. Oh, and Jhudora had also read Illusen's diary. Hee hee ... Jhudora had had fun that afternoon!

She decided to see if she could mess up the forest. But alas, Jhudora's few words had been Dark Faerie magic!!! She locked herself in!!! Uh-oh. At Jhudora's Cloud, Illusen had done the opposite. She tidied Jhudora's Cloud!!! When that was done, (and it took longer than for Jhudora to mess up Illusen's room) she decided to walk through Faerieland again ... maybe go to a Poogle Race? But oops. She'd locked Jhudora's door with the wrong magic too. Double uh-oh. Both Jhudora and Illusen knew what they had to do, but neither knew the other knew it.


Two Neomails later, Queen Fyora was wondering what to do about Illusen and Jhudora. Finally, she told Iyana to help Illusen, and Maelstra to help Jhudora.

Iyana arrived at Jhudora's Cloud.

"Iyana! You've come to help me!" cried Illusen.

"No," Iyana said. "I'm here to help Illusen, but there's no Illusen here."

"No! I am Illusen!"

"You look like Jhudora to me."

"I know."

"Bye!" Iyana called.

"Iyana ... " it was too late. Iyana had gone!

"Some help that was," Illusen grumbled. She was really grumpy, because Illusen barely ever grumbles. (Jhudora on the other hand, does. A lot. So maybe her Jhudora body was taking over? Well, actually it doesn't matter because she's not going to be grumpy much longer.) "Hello?" Maelstra looked around at the small clearing that was called Illusen's Glade.

"Some place this is." Maelstra grumbled. (Maybe Dark Faeries in general grumble?)

"Maelstra!" Jhudora peeked through the window and shouted, desperately.

"Jhudora - is that you?"

"Erm ... yes," Jhudora said, surprised. (She'd expected Maelstra to think she was Illusen.)

"Whoa. You look like Illusen!"

"Not only that," Jhudora said, "But I'm stuck with Illusen's powers too. I locked the door with Dark magic, and now I -"

"You can't get the door open again," Maelstra finished Jhudora's sentence. "Okay then... stand back!"

Jhudora stepped away from the window. Maelstra said a few words - well, not really words, you won't find them in the dictionary, but you get my meaning--and with a small click, Illusen's front door opened and let Jhudora escape.

"Oh, Maelstra, my friend, thank you!"

Maelstra looked uneasy. (Who wouldn't? Dark Faeries don't usually have manners.)

The two Dark Faeries, the one who looked like and Earth Faerie and the one who didn't, went back to Faerieland. They were almost at Faerie City, but they heard a shouting below, in Jhudora's mischievous, sly voice. (But it wasn't either of those things now.)

"You go without me," Jhudora said to Maelstra, who agreed. Jhudora fluttered down and was mortified that it was Illusen in Jhudora's Cloud.

"Stupid magic," Illusen was saying, "why didn't the door let me through!" Illusen kicked the door. Now Jhudora was really mortified. She had to let Illusen out. Or all her potions would be spilled, all her weapons would be broken, and as for those poor Bartamuses - she'd rather not even think about it.

"ILLUSEN!!!" yelled Jhudora, but not because she was angry, just to get Illusen's attention. Using a much more cheerful spell than Maelstra's, Jhudora got the door open.

"Thank you," Illusen said politely.

"Don't mention it," said Jhudora, who was already deep in thought. "Wait a minute!" she cried.

"What?" asked Illusen, curious. Any idea Jhudora had might be useful - she was smart, and she wanted her own body back as much as Illusen did.

"It's strange I didn't realize it! There's bound to be some information on it somewhere - I mean, this can't be the first time this has happened ..."

Illusen blinked her purple eyes.

"Oh, come on," Jhudora commanded. Illusen followed. They went to the market place, to search through the millions of shops there.

"Faeries," Jhudora told the wizard directly and promptly.

"Ye-yes, Miss Illusen, of course ..."

"I'm not Illusen, said Jhudora.

"But - but you look like Illusen - very much so."

"I know."

"I'm actually Illusen," Illusen said.

"Oh ... okay, let me find you a few of the cheapest shops ..."

Illusen and Jhudora glanced at each other - in a friendly way. Even they were surprised.

"Aaaah yes, this person ... Faeries, 2,700 NP."

"Thank you mister - Wizard," Jhudora said, without looking back. Jhudora bought the book, and read it while Illusen was giving Jhudora's Quests. (Jhudora had warned her that if she did anything that annoyed her, she'd be in for it.) She stumbled across something on page 292.

Faeries may, if switched around, Be turned back, safe and sound, Just one thing will manage it, But you will lie in the mess of it. Though you may be mighty and strong Only your items will pull yourself along.

Jhudora puzzled over it for a moment, and then, with great excitement, realized.

"Illusen!" shrieked Jhudora. Illusen ran in.

"What? What does it say?"

Jhudora recited the poem. Illusen looked blank.

"Oh, come on!" said Jhudora, as if she'd asked Illusen what 1+1 was. "It means, we must use our own items to turn back!"

"Oh," Illusen said, "That should be easy ..."

But then the two of them realized something. Illusen realized that she didn't know where Jhudora hid all her items, and Jhudora realized that it might be the time to get payback on Illusen.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Faerie Swap: Part One

Faerie Swap: Part Three

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