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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 89 > Continuing Series > The Legend of the No-see-ums: Part Four

The Legend of the No-see-ums: Part Four

by slamina83

"Deserved it?" Scarlet said to the Floud. "What could this Lupe have done to deserve you harming him?"

     "I wasn't trying to hurt him," the Floud said. "I was just trying to get his attention."

     "Well, you have it," the Lupe said, still shaking. "You have my complete attention."

     "So what's your story?" Scarlet asked the Floud.

     "Oh! Finally! After all these months!" the Floud squeaked excitedly. "Ahem…"

     "This place where we're standing is my family's ancestral nesting ground. Generations upon generations of Flouds have been born here, including me. But a few months ago, this Lupe and his friends came. They took over our land and built this place, which I believe you call a 'world,' on top of it. We tried to stay here and adapt the best that we could, but the Neopets called us 'pests' and a nuisance and chased us all away. The protests we gave were completely ignored. I guess they felt that we weren't worth listening to.

     "We ventured out into the rest of the Endless Plains and found a group of Meekins that let us stay with them. That night, a group of Flouds met to come up with a plan on how to get our land back. Their final decision was to have some of us come to the 'world' in our post-carrot form and deliver a message to the leader. Flouds were sent to do so, but every time, I heard, the Neopets panicked and sprayed that orange stuff at them. Then they ejected them again."

     The invisible Techo, who had taken out of the kit a little box to catch the Floud in, dropped it back in and blushed.

     The Floud turned to the Lupe and said, "We knew that if we did not get through to you before this 'world's' existence was made known to the rest of Neopia, we might as well say goodbye to our home. I was not one of the Flouds sent by the others. I just happened to be sunning in the Endless Plains when this Zafara and Chomby came up on me. The Chomby chased after me, and from instinct, I ran to here. As a result, I accidentally brought this 'world' its first visitors, who I knew would leave and tell others about it. Knowing there was not much time left, I took it upon myself to give talking to you one last shot."

     "And that's why you came after me like that," the Lupe said, thoughtfully.

     "We just want our home back," the Floud said, sniffling.

     The Lupe sighed, shook his head, turned to the crowd of invisible Neopets that had been watching, and said solemnly to everyone, "I have an announcement to make concerning the future of the No-see-ums. I had already planned to say this before, but this Floud incident delayed me. It is time to bring this world to an end."

     A loud murmur came from the crowd.

     "My original reason was that an invisible world just can't work. I found out when I took these two visitors on a tour of this world. Now I could fix the welcome sign and add descriptions to the invisible food item tags, but there are a lot of things I can't fix. The games weren't fun, the invisible items were frustrating to shop for,…and I'm not even going to talk about the Invisible Petpet Shop."

     "No, please don't," Snowberry said while rubbing a bandaged spot on her arm.

     "There's no way I can correct those problems, and there's no way that the No-see-ums will be able to survive without their income. Not to mention it will be less interesting. But, anyway, that's now a side point. More importantly now, I have found out that I have kicked these little guys out of their home."

     "Does this mean what I think it means?" the Floud asked with wide eyes.

     "Yes," the Lupe said, looking down at the Floud. "Your people will be getting their home back."

     "Yeah!" the Floud squeaked, bouncing up and down.

     The Lupe turned to Scarlet and Snowberry and said, "Thank you for your time, young ones. You have been a big help here, in more ways than one. I'll show you back to the Endless Plains."

     "One more thing," Scarlet said, "What about that free invisible paintbrush that you promised me?"

     "Actually, I don't think I'm going to release the paintbrush," the Lupe said. "I figure that there is no sense in doing so since the No-see-ums are going to be removed."

     "Why not? I thought that the invisible paintbrush was a wonderful invention. Not every paintbrush is associated with a particular world. Think about the speckled and striped paintbrushes. And also, I can think of some really good practical uses for it. Neopia's heroes could use it to outwit villains, for instance."

     "Yeah, that is true," the Lupe said, rubbing his chin. "How about this: I'll give you all of the invisible paintbrushes that have been produced here, and you can get them to the pets that would like to have them. They're not worth much to me anymore."

     The Lupe had an invisible Grarrl bring the box that contained all the invisible paintbrushes in existence, about one thousand or so, to Scarlet. The box was not too heavy, and Scarlet was a pretty strong Zafara, so he had no trouble carrying it.

     The Lupe and Techo walked Scarlet and Snowberry the rest of the way back to the Endless Plains. They stopped in front of the invisible welcome sign, where Scarlet and Snowberry had met the Lupe.

     "Take care of yourselves, young ones," the Lupe told the two Neopets. "Maybe we'll meet again one day."

     The Zafara and Chomby smiled and gave the Lupe and Techo one last wave goodbye as they walked off into the sunset.

     "Well, that's the end of that," the Lupe sighed. "I'm famished. Do you have any ideas on what to eat tonight?"

     She replied, "Well, I heard from some of the other invisible pets about a place that gives out free jelly to anyone who asks for it. I want to go there and try some of their strawberry kind."

     "Really?" the Lupe said, surprised. "What is it?"

     "They called it the Jelly World, I think. They said I would know it when I saw it because the buildings are made entirely of orange jelly. But before I go anywhere, I will need to paint myself visible. Let me go get my Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush." She took off back towards the No-see-ums.

     The Lupe snickered to himself and said, "An Orange Jelly world? THAT will never catch on." A few seconds later, he frowned, thinking, "And, unfortunately, neither will my world." He then turned to the welcome sign and admired it for one last time.

Back in the classroom:

     "So the invisible world was completely dismantled and the Flouds returned to their homeland," read Miss Giggles. "The Flouds heralded the Floud in this story as a hero and erected a statue for him where the No-see-ums sign used to stand. This statue, of course, was only as good as a group of Flouds could make, and nothing as enormous and fancy as the one his grandson got in Tyrannia years later, but that's another story.

     "Scarlet, once he got back to Neopia Central, held a demonstration near the Rainbow Pool about the wonders of the invisible paintbrush, which attracted a large crowd of Neopets and owners. Scarlet, beforehand, had decided to set his selling price at 250,000 NP since that would give him the money for a Crystal Boomerang in no time. When he told the crowd the price, most of the people and pets looked disappointed and started walking away. Scarlet realized why they did this and felt sorry for them, thinking back to the time he asked his owner for a Fire, Fire, Your Pants on Fire paintbrush, and she didn't have enough money to buy it for him. So he called them back and gave the paintbrushes away for free. 'Oh well,' he said, 'Maybe I'll earn a Crystal Boomerang one day.'

     "Snowberry…still chases after pet pets. She has some notion about catching them all, whatever that means.

     "The Techo moved to Neopia Central, where she…" POOF! The book vanished in a puff of purple smoke.

     "Sold me a defective book," she added. "Oh well, the end."

     The school bell rang in the hallway. "Just in time," the teacher said. "Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I will hand out your project grades on Monday."

     The students moved their desks back in place and filed out one by one. Shadow the Draik, Crusher the invisible Grarrl, Casey the Kyrii, Chase the Lupe, Max the-

     "Wait a minute little Gelert," the teacher said. "I want to see you for a minute."

     "Aww," Max said. He turned around and walked up to the Faerie Gelert at her desk. "Yes, ma'am?"

     "I'm going to give you another chance on this project. I will still give you a grade if you give a presentation on Monday."

     "Okay, thanks!" Max said, quite appreciative. He started to leave the room, but a nagging question would not leave his head. "By the way, Miss Giggles," Max said, "How did you know so quickly that I didn't do my project?"

     Miss Giggles picked up a copy of the class' geography textbook that was sitting on her desk and handed it to the yellow Gelert. "Turn to the first page of Chapter six and read the box on the right side."

     "Max turned there and read out loud, "Vocabulary words: Endless Plains… Plains Lupe… Floud… Invisible World-oh. Oops." Handing back the book, he added, "By the way, I didn't read the chapter last night either."

     "I noticed," Miss Giggles said, smiling. "See you next week, Max."

The End

Previous Episodes

The Legend of the No-see-ums: Part One

The Legend of the No-see-ums: Part Two

The Legend of the No-see-ums: Part Three

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