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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 83 > Continuing Series > Dragonmist: Part Fourteen

Dragonmist: Part Fourteen

by jenjen26785

Untitled Document

Part 14 - Something to Hide?

When Angel entered the cave, Rincham had already covered Aren's body with fern leaves and was sitting solemnly beside him, his eyes closed in silent prayer. A real tear flowed gently over his right cheekbone, and R2 hummed softly to comfort him. Sid who was sitting nearby turned to Angel as she silently entered the room. Rincham spun around, still drying his tears so no one would see him cry. He's sensitive to that.


     Angel gave him a look still fuelled with the aggression she felt before, but her expression rapidly softened as she studied his face, his eyes still burning red from tears of sorrow. "I'm going to do it. I can't escape kismet… I know we haven't gotten on that well in the past, Rin, but I just want to say … I'm very proud of you. You've been through a lot in life and have never taken any bull from anyone. Even as a lab rat you've always held your head high and never listened to the taunting of others. I've always respected you for that, and I want to tell you so."

     Rincham's eyes glittered. "Don't say that. You don't know the half of it… besides, why so final?"

     "Because I'm going to Denholm Valley… and there's a good chance I'm never coming back."

     Rincham took a step back, his words dispersing in his throat. Angel tried not to look at him and instead called *Bleeper* over.

     "I want you to have this," she said darkly, taking the remaining Patocol Potion from *Bleeper* and placing the vial in Rincham's paws. "Bring it close to you and it'll show you memories. I have no more need of it - my memories are complete. The last piece of the jigsaw puzzle metaphor that is my life has been filled. Now I've got to look towards the future. You can put it to good use, I'm sure."

     Angel clucked her tongue for her Petpet and made her way towards the door.

     "Wait, Angel…" Rincham stuttered. "You're going now? I mean… right now?"

     She smiled boldly back at him. "Tell everyone at Bunbury Acres that I love them." And in a flurry of silver feathers and fur, the Eyriess was gone.

     The Kougra cursed and kicked the wall. How could he not say it? How could he have not told Angel that if it weren't for him they wouldn't be in this mess in the first place? In a tempestuous scope of fury he bared his fangs and clenched his fists, then opened his palms and extended his blade-sharp claws, yet the warrior was helpless to assist Angel. He could do nothing to help her sister. Unless…

     His eyes brightened as he sketched out a plan in his mind. Yes. There was something he could do to help. With the idea still fresh in his mind he left R2 and Sid to their own devices and bounded from the cave and making his way down the mountainside, on a quest of his own…


At roundabout this time, Jenny suddenly opened her eyes and realised her feet and arms were bound to a chair. 'Fantastic,' she thought. 'Just what I need. One second I'm building a house of cards at ~The*Eyrie*Oak~, the next I'm tied to a chair.'

     She couldn't tell exactly where it was she'd been taken. But it was cold. And dark. Very dark. And from somewhere outside the wind was howling past and echoing round her. She tried to untangle herself from the layers of twine, but it was no good.

     "Aah, you're awake!" a sinister voice said brightly from somewhere in the shadows. Jen's eyes darted from side to side. Then, slowly, a figure stepped into the light.

     She had seen him only once before, but he was swathed in black clothing and it wasn't for too long. His black balaclava was peeled from his face. Right now he was more than happy to let himself be seen, for he had nothing left to hide. FiskMerrick wasn't all that tall - four feet maybe - but the confidence that radiated from his very being more than made up or it. His yellow skin looked rough like sandpaper, and was scarred and blemished as proof of many battles fought. His face cracked into an ominous and mocking grin. Jen drew back and averted her eyes from him.

     "Oh don't be afraid, pet. We won't hurt you… that is, unless your friend Angel can't give us the key to the Dragonmist."

     "Dragonmist? What're you talking about?" she answered back, finding a slight audacity before shrinking back to the relative safety of the chair.

     "No matter. No matter. The point is irrelevant to you. Your only chance of survival now is if that Kumlaa returns with the Dragonmist. Then you can become our comrade, or…" The Yellow Jetsam let his sentence trail off.

     "What is this about a comrade? You said that at the Oak. Why'd anyone want to join with you?"

     The Jetsam let out a loud and spontaneous cackle. "WHY? Because us Darkgons are on our way to greatness. And we will complete the prophecy set in the Kumlaa Scrolls by releasing the Dragonmist and taking over Neopia! Muahahahah!!"

     Jen rolled her eyes. "Okay, fairs enough. But what is the Dragonmist?"

     "What is the Dragonmist? WHAT IS THE DRAGONMIST? Why, it is the most mysterious, prestigious and dangerous thing in the entire universe! So many have gone in search of it and barely lived to tell the tale. The mere mention of its name makes the legs of warriors tremble and quake. It --"

     "You don't know what it is, do you?"

     He shuffled his feet. "No… but if your Eyrie doesn't supply us with it by tonight, you're never going to be seen again…"

     "Really? Well that's fantastic!"


     She grinned slyly. "I've got a huge French assignment planned for tomorrow, and if I don't hand it in by then I'll be in huge trouble. Have you ever seen my French teacher? If there were ever any municipal campaigns for the reinstatement of corporal punishment, you'll know who to blame."

     The Jetsam gave her a blank look. "And how does that affect us?"

     "Well, if you give Angel such a short deadline as that, she'll never get here in time, and I'll be spared all the panic and pain that a French assignment always causes me! Thanks a bunch, FiskMerrick! You've saved me a lot of trouble!"

     "Saved you a lot of trouble?" he yelled, with a pretentious and bitter air. "So, this 'Ferensh Teechur' is the most evil thing in your world, human?"

     She masked a smirk. "The most evil thing I know, sir."

     "And if you do not hand in this assignment you were supposed to complete, you shall suffer his terrible vengeance?" The cogs were turning in his mind.

     "Oh, most definitely."

     "Alright, in that case we'll extend the deadline. Burzwakh? BURZWAKH!"

     A mustard-coloured Grarrl brought his head into the light and mumbled sleepily, "Yessir?"

     "I want you to extend the deadline for the Kumlaa's bringing in of the Dragonmist. Tell the troops to hold off the attack until I give the order. Right?"

     "But sir, why?"

     FiskMerrick thought about it for all of five seconds. "Y'know, it made sense a moment ago… oh, I don't have time to think about this, just do it! I don't want this attack to advantage anyone but us! Y'hear?"

     "Sure. Whatever you say… I guess…" Burzwakh walked away, shaking his head inquisitively.

     FiskMerrick turned his attention back to Jen. "See, now you'll never have enough time to do the assignment! You'll have to face the seething wrath of the ultimate evil of your world: this… 'Furrench Teacher'! Muahahahahah!"

     "Whatever." Jen tilted her head to gaze into the darkness, lost in her own thoughts. 'At least that bought us some time. Oh, Angel. What have you got yourself into this time?'

To be continued...

Author's Note: What's up with Rincham? Find out what he has to hide … next issue. I love to know the audience's opinions on my stories, so if you have any compliments, criticisms, whatnot, send 'em on in!

Previous Episodes

Dragonmist: Part One

Dragonmist: Part Two

Dragonmist: Part Three

Dragonmist: Part Four

Dragonmist: Part Five

Dragonmist: Part Six

Dragonmist: Part Seven

Dragonmist: Part Eight

Dragonmist: Part Nine

Dragonmist: Part Ten

Dragonmist: Part Eleven

Dragonmist: Part Twelve

Dragonmist: Part Thirteen

Dragonmist: Part Fifteen

Dragonmist: Part Sixteen

Dragonmist: Part Seventeen

Dragonmist: Part Seventeen

Dragonmist: Part Eighteen

Dragonmist: Part Nineteen

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