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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Articles > The Book of the Kougra - Transcribed

The Book of the Kougra - Transcribed

by TouchofGray550

Transcriber’s Note

Many of you Neopians out there, whether you’re from Maraqua or the Mystery Island, may see this article in The Neopian Times and think, "Hey, that’s not a NeoPets book!" or "How can she transcribe a book that doesn’t exist?", but in fact The Book of the Kougra is a volume that does exist. About 2 years ago, a Lupe came to me, saying that he had found something while exploring the Caves of Mystery Island. He took out of his bag a strange book, covered with old and cracked leather… it had strange, mystical writing on the front, and under it a picture of a Kougra. Over the last 2 years, I have learned this about this writing, transcribed it into English, and updated it for everyone to read… and so, here is before you is the result: The Book of the Kougra. I hope you enjoy it!

Part I: The Kougra in History

The Kougra, a distant cousin of the Gruslen (a Tyrannian PetPet), has lived on the Mystery Island for as long as any NeoPet can remember. But today, much of the Kougra’s history has been forgotten.

For example, where are those symbols on the Codestones from? The Kougrian language, of course. And who do you think defended the Techos who live on Mystery Island from an army of evil green Dragons, who would have eaten those lizard-like NeoPets by the hundred? Kougras, of course, with their strength, agility, and intelligence.

Back then, though, Kougras weren’t even available as pets! Made famous by their victory over the Green Dragons, they were elected by the Techos from their island to have a chance in an Election to become a NeoPet that everyone could adopt.

In the contest with them were 3 other species: a Coconut, a Hyena, and a Mosquito. The Kougra won the election… and, well, the rest is history.

Part II: The Kougra in Appearance

Though this part of this book may sound boring, what Kougras have looked like over the ages is, in fact, quite an interesting topic.

Kougras have never had a makeover – they have always looked just like they do today! In the wild, Kougras are almost always orange, the colour of both of their distant relatives: the Gruslen and the Tiger. They are similar to both of them in many ways; the most obvious being bold black stripes across their back, legs, and around their tale (markings also appear on the forehead). In some colours of Kougras, the stripes may be different colours: navy blue or even dark purple

They have the biggest paws of, well, anything in Neopia – perfect for pouncing on each other. Also note their sharp teeth and claws, strong sense of hearing, and fondness for chocolate and all things sweet…

Part III: The colours of the Kougra

Creamy-white fur on their bellies, muzzles, ears, and the underside of their paws accent the 11 bright colours they come in: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Christmas, Faerie, Shadowed, Silver, White, and Invisible. Oh, and we can’t forget the newest two colours that have arrived in Neopia; Desert and Spotted! Compared to most NeoPets, though, they don’t have a whole lot of Paint Brushes at all – Chias have a total of 17!

The colour of a Kougra (or any pet) is very, very, VERY important. Every colour of a Kougra has a different set of traits: it shapes a Kougra’s behavior, personality, and performance. If your Kougra is now painted, go by its original colour:

Red: Kougras of a whose fur is the colour most similar to that of their wild relatives, are almost always great athletes. They love to run around, pounce on each other, fight in the Battledome, and play action-packed games – Bumper Cars especially! A Kougra of this colour is said to have invented Coconut Bowling (played, of course, with Cocos!). They can be friends with nearly any kind of NeoPet: but never attempt to put them in the same room with a Grundo…

Yellow: yellow Kougras are some of the most social of these big cats – they’ll make friends with anyone in the blink of an eye. Some say that they are the least friendly; they are mistaken, most likely because if you offend them, you will be quickly be pounced upon! These NeoPets will always love a good game of chance: many-a-time has a Kougra snuck into his or her owner’s bank account, and spent all the money on scratch cards! But they are also great money-makers – and bring the best of luck to their owners.

Green: if you are a Kougra who’s coat is the colour of a Green Fuzzle, you’re bound to be caring, kind, and always put yourself before others. Green Kougras are not always as good in the Battledome as other Kougras and prefer to follow artistic pursuits instead: writing poetry, drawing, and storytelling. Though always ready for a spin on the Wheel of Excitement, they will get rather lonely if they don’t have a companion (or two) to play with all day. They aren’t the most social of Kougras, but they will definitely be a great friend if you get to know them. Like a yellow Kougra, they bring much luck into the NeoHome of their owner.

Blue: usually the fastest of all Kougras, these pets love to race, and always attend to Poogle Racetrack, hoping for a Kougra Racetrack to open up soon! Daydreaming and Kiko Match are their two favorite occupations. They are always happy with how they are, and are very tolerant of other pets, no matter how annoying they happen to be. They never think, “Oh, how I wish there was a Rainbow Kougra”, but always tend to think “How lucky I am to be Shadowed!”. This is what makes them one of the most popular colours of Kougras – but! They will never, ever eat healthy food; only Ice Cream, Chocolate, and other sugary things.

Part IV: Buying a PetPet for a Kougra

Almost every NeoPet in Neopia today has a PetPet – whether it be a Scado or a Doglefox. A Kougra can get very lonely if they don’t have a sister/brother or a PetPet, and they will love you forever if you got them a pet of their own. Kougras, like all NeoPets, like a certain few pets better than others. This is a handy list divided by where the PetPets are from.

Original: Doglefox, Eustabee, Mongmong, Mallard, Babaa, Whoot, Noil

Maraquan/Aqua: Blump, Walien, Legs, Ramosan, Peadackle

Spooky: Psimouse, Bloop, Fat Cat, Cyclopian

Faerie: Harris, Miamouse, Cirrus, Meekins

Robot: none [Kougras tend not to like mechanical things]

Tyrannian: Gruslen, Airax, Scado, Magtile, Bluna, Acko

Lost Desert: Anubis, Horus, Khnum,

Part V: Why Keep a Kougra as a Pet?

When you are about to create a Kougra, abandon a Kougra, or adopt one, ask yourself this question: Why keep a Kougra as a pet?

There are many different answers to this: and these are just a few: because Kougras are funny, playful creatures that are almost always happy and cheerful. They will bring you good luck; and protect you and your other NeoPets. With their great strength and health, they could become famous in the Battledome. And overall, they are loving pets.

This concludes The Book of the Kougra, and I hope you enjoyed it and learned lots about the Kougra, one of the most popular pets in Neopia!

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