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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 14th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 41 > Comics
Beneath Skeith

The difference between low standards, and no standards...

by scarfdance

Employee Benefits

Comes with the job...

by sofi_novas

Excitement Ahoy!

A case of wishful thinking...

by tokyo_rage

It's PB Time!

Somebody needs a nap...

by pfota

Kougra Kapers

Not to mention the allergies...

by solarith

Life With Tennis Shoes...

It's important to have your priorities in order...

by shana1066

Look Before You Eat

I guess you won't be having seconds, then?

by babee_dinosaur

Lupe Blue

Awww, isn't that adorable?

by oasis21

Meandering Neopia

Advantages to Skeiths

by kikiree

Motivation Is The Key

You don't have to tell this guy twice...

by sugarkitty33

Pointless Morals

Quick! Leave before he starts asking for donations...

by maddeh

Quatringa the Star

That ought to do it...

by indigokitten

Shadow Comics

Someone's got themselves in quite a spot...

by thetriforce64

Shamus and Lila

Really, what did you expect?

by championferret

The Angelic Acarixi

You might wanna get a Faerie PB, then try it again...

by coryden

The Cheesy Neos

Do we even need to point out how unfair that is?

by justduckygal

The Eye of Evil: Part Two

Nothing to see here...

by daffodillie

The Moo Strip

That's gonna take forever to fill back up...

by mousequeen

The Searex

Having a Searex is a simple pleasure...

by nefelim99

Who's Who

Strange is an understatement...

by plumberri


What a long strange trip it's been...

Where has he gone now? Okay, he probably went somewhere in time. But where? Will he randomly appear tomorrow? Next year? Or will he never be seen again? My theory is that he'll come sometime this summer... more>>

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Other Stories

All Play and No Work
Gia and Arbiet quickly found jobs, but I put it off for as long as I could...

by muas

Chia Hunting
It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Hundreds of thousands of Chias were working and living together in a village of their own...

by heatherdragon

An Acceptable Shop
Just make your shop nice and simple, and not annoying.

by doctor_pie

Babying Your Pets: Super Cute or Super Cruel?
While millions of Neopet owners are ecstatic about the sickeningly cute upcoming baby Neopets, no one seems concerned about what the pets think of this...

by kelandra

The Ancient Sword of Neopia: Part Nine
"I never imagined that there was such evil in the world..."

by vaporeon_fan

As Told by child_dragon: Part Seventeen - Earthen Boundaries
There was the sound of a soft wind, and I looked to see another gate open, green, the color of earth.

by child_dragon

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