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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 1st day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > New Series > Evangeline's Faerie: Part One

Evangeline's Faerie: Part One

by rainyneko

Tigersquash or What?
Many people believe that Faeries created pets. Actually, just about everybody thinks that faeries created pets. And who wouldn't? They're magical, they basically created everything else, so why would pets be an exception? Well, there is a perfectly good reason, and I'm here to tell you why.

First of all, my name is rainyneko, and I'm going to tell you about what you might call the discovery of faeries. This story is about Evangeline, and her Neopian adventure.


Evangeline and her friend, Gingeralia the Poogle, were out picking tigersquash for Evangeline's mother, Rina the Usul.

"I wish we didn't have to do so much work. Can you imagine Neopia without having to do all the work yourself? That would be real paradise! There could be little elves who did all your work, and-" Gingeralia was interrupted by Evangeline's protests.

"Stop it, Ginger. I couldn't imagine Neopia any way other than what it is right now. Now, keep tigersquash-picking. We have to get this done for Mum so we can go to the park and play," Evangeline told her.

"I know, I know," Gingeralia sighed. She picked a squash and let it fall into her fruit basket. Then she walked over to another patch and began to pick, and she almost fell over pulling.

"Oh, dear… this squash either isn't ripe or this ain't a squash!" Gingeralia said, frowning. She stopped tugging and looked at Evangeline expectantly. "Oh, fine, I'll try," Evangeline walked over to where Gingeralia was standing and tugged on the 'squash'. Even Evangeline couldn't get it to come up. She pulled apart all the squashes next to it and examined it. It was a beautiful stone fountain, with stone wings on either side. Evangeline gasped in awe. "Oh! It's beautiful! Ginger… Ginger, look!" she exclaimed.

Gingeralia stared at the fountain. "What is it, Ev? It looks like a well, except… different," she sighed contentedly. "It's so pretty."

"Maybe we should tell Mum… yeah, I think we should. I'm going to try it out, you go tell my mom about it, okay?" Evangeline asked.

"Deal," Gingeralia agreed. She trotted to Evangeline's house and went inside.

She called to Rina. "Mrs. Rina? Are you there? We've found something very urgent out in the fields… oh Mrs. Riiina!" she shouted. Rina showed up, their owner, uber_stars_sky, right behind her. "What's wrong, Gingeralia?" she asked.

"We've found something, Mrs. Rina, and, well, I don't think it's good!" Gingeralia exclaimed. Rina frowned and went out into the fields.

When they got there, everybody gasped with surprise. "It can't be!" Uber cried. She made her way to Evangeline and felt her new wings. "They're real! I can't believe it... Ev, you have wings!" she said in disbelief.

A Very Smart Fountain Indeed!
Evangeline smiled and nodded. "I know, and isn't it wonderful? Come, Ginger, I want to show you something - have you ever wanted wings? Or to be a different colour?" she asked. She gestured for Ginger to come.

Rina stopped her and frowned. "Evangeline Ashen, I don't know how you did this, or why, but I will not have you getting this sweet little Poogle tangled up in this mess. You and I are going to figure this out, but I won't be responsible if Gingeralia comes home with those terrible flying devices stuck on her back!" she scolded.

"But, Mum, it's not a mess, and I'm sure Mrs. Harriet would be delighted if Ginger had wings-" Evangeline protested. But Rina would have none of it.

"Evangeline, I said No! Gingeralia, why don't you go home? Ev and I have some things to talk about," she smiled at Gingeralia, and then turned and glared at Evangeline.

Uber nodded. "I think that sounds best. I'll see you later, Ginger, okay?" she waved.

"Bye, Ginger," Evangeline said miserably.

"Bye, Ev... good luck," Gingeralia mouthed as she padded away.

Uber looked at Evangeline. "Now tell me, how did this happen? I know these wings didn't just pop out of nowhere."

"Well, Ginger and I were picking tigersquash like you told us, Mum. And then Ginger found something, a really beautiful fountain. And when she left to tell you and Uber, I found these pieces of paper on the floor-" Evangeline waved a green piece of paper, "-and I didn't think it was much. So I just set it on the fountain and continued to pick tigersquash, waiting for Ginger--but the temptation, Mum! That beautiful fountain with crystal-clear water, and I hadn't had a bath in days....

"So I just jumped in, and the fountain sprouted to fit my size! It was really amazing, it was like I just had this sense of what to do-I wished that I had wings. And when I got out, I was all dry like I hadn't been swimming at all, and I had wings, Mum!" With that Evangeline soared into the air, circling and tumbling and gliding through the clouds.

"Evangeline Ashen, you get down right now!" Rina shouted.

"It's all right, Rina. I would fly too if I had wings," Uber assured her.

When Evangeline finally returned to the ground, Uber called her and Rina into the house. "Rina, what do you propose we do about this?"she asked, folding her hands and sitting down at the table.

"I-we-... I think we should tell Miss Riechlyde, uber_stars_sky," Rina told her, sitting down as well. She stumbled over her words, not knowing if Uber was really giving her a choice.

"Tell Miss Riechlyde, you say? And what are you thinking she will do?" Uber gave her an intimidating look. Evangeline shuffled in her chair. "She could tell King Ayrus-couldn't she?" she asked timidly.

"Of course she could, that's her job," Rina snapped. She was definitely not in a good mood.

"And what are you thinking King Ayrus could do, hmm? Aren't you getting it? This is like a new revolution. Neopia will be changed forever if we tell anybody. I think it's best we keep this to ourselves," Uber said.

Suddenly Rina stood upright, her chair squeaking as she pushed it back. "Keep something like this to ourselves, Uber? Excuse be me, Uber, but we must tell somebody. This is nothing too small to make secret."

And so, two-against-one, Fearina the Usul was going to tell Miss Riechlyde, the King's Advisor of the Neopian Colonies, about the fountain and the things it does.

But before that, Rina had to get ready, for Miss Riechlyde was a fairly important person! And what better to use than the fountain to make Rina look beautiful?

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Evangeline's Faerie: Part Two

Evangeline's Faerie: Part Three

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