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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 130 > Articles > Taking Care of Your Petpets - A Guide for Neopets

Taking Care of Your Petpets - A Guide for Neopets

by l3estest

AT MY NEOHOME - *crash* *bang* *BAM* SUNNY! PUP! STOP TORTURING YOUR PETPETS!! Okay, you see? This is what I go through every single day in my Neohome. I can’t take it anymore, which is why I am writing this article. I noticed that every single day, I’m the one feeding my Neopet’s petpets, walking them, grooming them, ect. THEY don’t take care of their own, oooohhh noooo. They have it all piled on me, the poor me... hello, Neopets out there? Haven’t you ever heard of responsibility?

Well, I strolled around Neopia Central one morning with a pencil and a Red Notebook, ready to take a petition and a survey. How many one of your Neopets take care of their own petpets? I looked like a fool, by the way. As it turned our, though, 76% of Neopians tell me that their Neopets DON’T take care of their Petpets. It’s time for some damage control!

Before you wonder your little eyes to the section about Petpets, there are two signs you need to learn to read.

For the Younger Neopets: Baby Neopets, Younger Neopets, Newly born Neopets, Dull Neopets, and Pup.

For the Older Neopets: Smarter Neopets, wise Neopets, Older Neopets, and Neopets that’s been in Neopia longer.

Okay, now let’s begin, shall we?

Feeding your Neopet

To the Younger Neopets: Not letting your Petpet eat will make them sleep forever.

To the Older Neopets: Not properly feeding your Petpet may cause them to pass away.

This is one of the simplest things to do to your petpet. FEED ‘EM! I tell my Neopets everyday, but it always wind up in my hands. It’s also a good feeling to feed your petpets, I mean, COME ON! Do you really like the feeling of starvation? I’m hoping not... why let your Petpet suffer? It only takes about five minutes! Can’t you take five minute of your time destroying the house to do that? Some food that I usually feed to Petpets are: Gross foods, Omelettes, Jellies, Carrots (except to my Blue Floud, trust me), Ummagine, Apples, and junk you get from the Lost Desert or Tombola. It’s that simple. Find things you don’t want to eat and throw it in their bowls. After all, they can’t talk, can they?

If you don’t feed them, they will pass out. Yes, die. You don’t want that to happen, right? So get feeding! We’re all on a feeding frenzy, feeding frenzy!

Playing with your Petpet

To the Younger Neopets: Not playing with them will make them sad.

To the Older Neopets: Not playing with your Petpet will cause them to be downcast and unhappy.

Playing with your Petpet isn’t normally a problem for most Neopets. Playing too ROUGHLY with them is. I took one day off of my busy Neopian schedule (which includes chatting, shopping, chatting, shopping) to observe my Neopets. Well, Pup and Sunny mostly. In the morning, Sunny scrambled out his bed and grabbed Joe (his Christmas Baby Blu) from his tank without him being even half awake. I stalked Sunny into the kitchen, where he grabbed a bottle of milk and nearly forgotten Joe in the freezer! I then stopped following Sunny and went after Pup. Pup was in his room, as peaceful as he ever gets. His Rainbow Snowbunny, Amanda was next to him, asleep. Pup suddenly attacked Amanda, leaving her trembling on the ground. This to me is definitely cruel. You probably don’t realize this is cruel but it definitely too rough. Like me, I would never do such nonsense to my Neopets! *All her Neopets starts coughing in the background* Hmmm... looks like all my Neopets mysteriously caught the flu...

Playing with your Petpet may be as easy as getting them a yarn ball, bouncy ball, a plushie that you no longer need, a squeaky toy, or just your tail (if you have one). They should be able to be entertained. Please don’t play roughly with your poor weak Petpet. If you get yourself a Drackonack then we’ll talk.

Grooming your Petpet

To the Younger Neopets: Grooming will make your petpet not smelly!

To the Older Neopets: If you groom your Petpet daily you will have one clean and cheerful petpet.

Yes, you might think this is nothing but grooming is an accentual part of taking good care of your Petpet. It is rumored that grooming your Petpets can shield them from getting sick or ill in any way. Of course, females usually groom their Petpets very well, but there are exceptions, of course.

Grooming your Petpet is not a very hard thing to do. There aren’t any special hair brushes or shampoos for them, so any product that you use should be okay on the petpets. I suggest you make them take a bath at least every week. Snorkles, though, should have a bath everyday. Rocks are also an exception, I’m seriously not sure if Rocks need baths... If they don’t I’m pretty sure that all Neopets will be crowding at the Petpet Store trying to buy a pet Rock, so I’m going to say that Rocks need baths also, just to save the Petpet Shopkeeper some grief. Brushing your Petpet should be done daily. Of course, if your Petpet doesn’t have fur... brush its teeth!

Exercising with your Petpet

To the Younger Neopets: If you don’t make your Petpet move around every single day they will end up like Adam (Haha... another one of my jokes that’s not reality... *cough, cough*).

To the Older Neopets: If you do not let your Petpet exercise daily they will end up like King Skarl.

Many Neopets don’t exercise enough; they end up being the pet who weighs a little more than everyone else. Well, Petpets are the same way, if they don’t exercise, they get a little like a Turmaculus. So, why not exercise along WITH your petpet? You can lose some weight plus you’ll stay healthy. Not to mention it does a Neopia of goods for your little buddy!

Some ways to exercise are walking your Petpet on a leash, jogging with it, riding a bike with it running beside you (this is an especially good way to ask your owner for a new bike), play sports with your Petpet being the goalie, and a lot of other games that you can easily make up. Believe me; this topic can easily belong in the “playing with your Petpet” section. Wrestling with your Petpet is also a good game, but if done too roughly... refer back to previous section.

Attention is what every Petpet wants. After reading my article, I hope that most of you will change. Hopefully, though, you won’t rely on your owners to take care of your Petpets for you. You’ve learned to feed your Petpets daily, to play with your petpet but not too roughly, groom your Petpets, and to exercise with your Petpet. You want to treat the little guys with care and love, not with hatred and cruelty. I want all Neopets to treat their Petpets the way I take care of MY Neopets. *Her Neopets started coughing again* And I thought y’all were getting better...

Author’s Note: Thanks you 6_moonlight_6 and kristi_um for helping me review my article! Special thanks to acrobatkid1992 for reviewing my article. *Throws thanks around the room* Feli, the NT editors, thank you for working so hard to read all stories! Comments, suggestions, and other things are welcomed in my inbox ;)

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