Round: 219

Conundrum Lenny was watching people playing the new Neopets game, "Stowaway Sting". He saw eight different people submit scores, and realized there was a pattern in the scores they were submitting:

408, 571, 332, 377, 577, 989, 664, ___

What was the eighth score submitted?

Answer: 843

For this one, break up the list of numbers into two groups (the first four and the last four) and divide the number in the second group by the corresponding number in the first group:

577/408 = approximately the square root of 2.
989/571 = approximately the square root of 3.
664/332 = approximately the square root of 4. (OK, exactly the square root of 2 in this instance.)
843/377 = approximately the square root of 5.

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