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Join Lulu on her journey to find King Roo and the missing piece of the Games Room machine. Vote each day and decide where Lulu will go next! Come back each day to see which route Lulu took and claim your NC item prize!

King Roo left a footprint by this dandelion! He was here!
These Petpetpets were so cute. I wanted to take them home.
Are we sure Dr. Clodbottle isn't a mad scientist? Some of his notes were a little... worrying. But the good news is King Roo WAS here and did consult with the doctor. Apparently, King Roo showed him one of the Games Room bugs. Dr. Clodbottle didn't recognize it, but he still refused to help King Roo do any harm to what he called "potential recruits for the Habitarium".
So Dr. Clodbottle was no help. And King Roo is long gone again. Argh! I guess the bugs aren't any known kind of Petpetpet, after all. Dr. Clodbottle didn't recognise them, and he's an expert. If King Roo can't solve the bug end of the problem, what's his next move? I'm thinking that maybe he'll try to fix the Games Room not to attract pests. I'd better track him down soon.
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