How to draw a Snowbunny : Printable Version

Start by drawing a circular shape for your Snowbunny's head.

Behind that first circle, draw another slightly larger one.

Now add a back leg and two front paws.

On the top of your Snowbunny's head draw a tuft of fur. Give your Snowbunny a nose, eye and freckles, like so.

Give the eye a little more detail and draw an eyebrow over the top. Then draw two ears on top of your Snowbunny's head.

Erase all your extra lines and you should be left with something like this.

Add your Snowbunny's trademark tail and fill in the inside of one ear.

At the end of each paw draw some toes and a curved line, like so.

All that is left to do is add a little colour and your Snowbunny is complete.