How to draw a Pawkeet : Printable Version

Begin by drawing a circle. This will be your Pawkeet's body.

Draw two triangular wing shapes, one on either side of your Pawkeet's body. Now draw two circular shapes to create feet.

On the top of your Pawkeet's head draw a small tuft of feathers. Directly below this draw a beak shape.

Draw two lines coming down from the beak to the side of your Pawkeet. This will become your Pawkeet's chest. On either side of the beak draw a circle. Draw a curved line through each eye so you cut off the very bottom of each circle. Then erase the circle underneath your curved line.

Draw two curved shapes around each eye. Above each shape draw another curved line. This will be your Pawkeet's eyebrow.

Add a little more detail to your Pawkeet's beak, eyes and uppermost tuft of hair. Try to match this picture as closely as possible.

Draw a few small triangular shapes along your Pawkeet's chest and wing to give a more feather-like appearance. Give Your Pawkeet's feet a little more shape by drawing two toes on each foot.

Lastly, erase all your extra lines and you should be left with your very own Pawkeet drawing.

If you want to really brighten up your drawing, try adding some colour and shading, like so.