How to draw a Meepit : Printable Version

Start by drawing a wide oval for your Meepit's head.

Next, make a large rounded shape beneath the oval you drew for the head, which will form the Meepit's body.

Draw two circles (one inside the other) within the head shape to form the Meepit's creepy, staring eye. Next, make the Meepit's snout by drawing a wide 'U' shape on the left side of the head for the nose and a little line under that for the lips.

Now, add two pointy little ears to the back of the Meepit's head. Its right ear (on your left) will just be a small triangle poking out from the top of the head, because the Meepit is slightly turned. Also, be sure to give your Meepit some large teeth.

It's now time to add arms and legs to your Meepit. First, draw a 'U'-like shape on the Meepit's body for its left arm (on your right), and then make a curved 'L' shape between the bottom of the Meepit's teeth and its body for its right arm, which is slightly behind it. Draw a flat, oval-like shape on the bottom of its body. This is will be its left leg (the one on your right). Then, add a small triangular shape on the side of its body for the right leg. Finally, add a fluffy tail, which goes on the back of your Meepit's body.

Erase all of your extra lines, and then fill in the pupil of the Meepit's dark, staring eye.

Give your Meepit some colour and shading using coloured pencils, crayons, or markers. You should now have your very own drawing of one of the spookiest Petpets in the Haunted Woods!