How to draw a Krawk : Printable Version

Start by drawing a large egg-like shape for the Krawk's body.

At the top of the body shape, draw the Krawk's head.

Next, add two short legs to the bottom of the body shape.

On the right side of the Krawk's body, draw its arm. The Krawk's other arm is mostly hidden from view because the Krawk is turned to one side.

Give your Krawk its long, reptilian tail. The base of the tail should be just below the Krawk's arm.

Make a short line coming from the left side of the Krawk's body. This will be its right arm. Then, add three pointed claw-like shapes to the end of each arm for the Krawk's fingers.

Connect its fingers to the Krawk's arms with a few short lines to complete your Krawk's hands.

Erase any extra lines you might have. Now, just below each of the Krawk's legs, draw two flat oval shapes for its toes.

By making a few short lines, connect the Krawk's toes to its legs, forming the Krawk's feet.

After erasing any extra lines, start giving your Krawk a face. First, draw a large eye shape on the right side of the Krawk's head. The Krawk's other eye is mostly hidden because its head is turned, so just make a tiny curved line on the left side of its head. Finally, give your Krawk a wide, toothy smile.

Add some more detail to your Krawk by drawing a few curved lines for the markings on its stomach and tail. Also, draw a circle in the large eye shape for the Krawk's iris (the coloured part of the eye).

Your Krawk Petpet is almost finished! Add just a few more extra details to really bring your drawing to life. Make a dot in the Krawk's left eye (the one on your right) for its pupil, two small dots on its snout to form the nostrils, and some horizontal lines across the stomach area for a bit of reptilian texture.

Finally, give your Krawk drawing a bit of colour using markers, coloured pencils, or even a computer program. To really make your drawing lifelike, add some shading, too!