How to draw Sidney : Printable Version

Start your drawing by making Sidney's basic head shape. Then, to form the brim of his hat, make a wide, tilted oval that overlaps the head shape. Finally, add the top of Sidney's hat above the oval.

Next, draw Sidney's body. He's a bit hunched over, so the lines you use should be quite curved. Then, begin to make his arms. Sidney's right arm (the one on your left) is bent, so draw a pair of parallel L-shaped lines. Add a rectangular shape at the end of his arm for the cuff of his shirt. For Sidney's left upper arm (on your right), just draw two parallel lines beginning at his shoulder.

It's now time to add Sidney's hands. His right hand (on your left) is a bit easier to draw than his left hand, so let's start with it. Sidney's right hand is curled into a fist because he's holding a scratchcard, so simply draw his wrist coming out of the cuff of his shirt, and then make a rounded shape for his hand. For his left hand (the one on your right), draw an oval shape overlapping his upper arm. Draw another rounded shape behind the oval for Sidney's left lower arm. Finally, on the hand shape you just drew, sketch in a few rough shapes for Sidney's outstretched fingers.

Next, begin to sketch Sidney's sinister face. Give him a pair of big eyes and a wide, toothy grin. Don't forget to add a small bump to the middle of his face for his nose.

Give some more shape and detail to Sidney's hat by adding a few patches to it. Be sure to include the scratchcards that are tucked into his hatband. Then, draw a small tuft of hair hanging down onto his forehead.

Sidney needs his signature outfit, so draw his ragged vest, shirt, and bowtie. To make sure that your drawing is extra detailed, add buttons and a buckle to his vest.

Now, draw Sidney's rumpled trousers. Include the handkerchief that hangs out of his pocket.

Add some finishing touches to Sidney's left hand (the one on your right). His thumb and index finger are both raised, but the rest of his fingers are curled under. Also, draw the cuff of Sidney's shirt.

Let's add a bit of detail to Sidney's right hand and arm. Give some more shape to the cuff of his shirt and draw the sleeve of it, adding a few creases so the fabric looks very real. Then, divide the hand shape you already drew into separate fingers. Finally, draw a few little details on the scratchcard that Sidney's holding.

Erase any extra lines that are left on your drawing.

Now add some colour to your drawing using crayons, markers, or even a program on your computer. Be sure to give Sidney's trousers their striped pattern.

Give your drawing a lot of shading and texture. This will make it look extra special... and maybe even a little ssspooky!