Neopets - How to draw a Piece of Wool

How to draw a Piece of Wool: Printable Version

I am back with another How to Draw because people keep telling me my art skills have improved like so much. The other day I drew a Kiko and people said things like "wow" and "that's... interesting" and I was stoked. So I chose a pretty detailed thing to draw and I hope I can do it for you guys.

So I think the best way to go about this is to draw each lumpy thing by itself because if you tried them all at the same time, you'd probably get frustrated.

So here is the first one on the top right. Start there like I did.

Then I drew the next lumpy thing and I totally ignored my own advice because I did like three different ones at once!

I regret it now but they say you have to suffer for your art so give it a try.

Now here's the bottom bit. It was a bit confusing at first because it's so curvy but I finally got the hang of it. If you don't get it the first time, keep trying!

Also, don't worry if it looks like popcorn. We have more stuff to add so it will stop looking like popcorn soon. But if you got hungry go ahead and take a break and come back later.

Okay, now there are some accents to add. A word of warning: don't think about how much that one looks like a butt because then you'll start laughing hysterically and have to take another break like I did. Just pretend it's a moustache or an upside down bird instead!
Now it is time to add some little hairs. A good trick I learned is to just draw little lines and they will look like hairs.

I have never seen a piece of hairy wool but I am not a wool expert so I won't question it.

The drawing part is all done! Isn't that cool? I told you it wouldn't look like popcorn anymore.

You may be tempted to start showing it off but don't yet! There is still some colouring to do and it'll be more impressive after that.

Okay so this type of colouring is called "shading" and it's where you put dark parts in. I guess that's to make it look, like, 3D. But not like 3D at the movies. That makes me dizzy.

So just kind of draw some squiggly grey bits to start giving it some shade. There is a thing about the direction of light that people will tell you to consider but don't worry about that for now. It's super advanced.

Then make sure you shade the accent parts. And remember not to think about butts.

Finished! It looks pretty great right? Better than the original probably. Now you can show it to your friends, family, acquaintances, and people you've just met.

I'm so glad I could get through it. It was a real challenge but I hope you guys learned some good stuff. Bye~~