Neopets - How to draw Gilly

How to draw Gilly : Printable Version

Start by drawing a large circle for Gilly's head. Under the circle, draw two small ovals, which will become Gilly's hands. One oval should be slightly higher than the other. Finally, make a small circle and another oval below the hand circles for Gilly's feet.

It's now time to start forming Gilly's body. Draw a rounded rectangular shape below Gilly's head for her torso. Next, connect the shapes you made for her feet and hands to the body shape with some curved lines. The lines for Gilly's legs should be fairly straight, but the ones that will be her arms should be more curved because her arms are bent.

Now draw Gilly's big, fluffy Usul tail.

Draw a triangular shape on the back of Gilly's head. This will be the tip of her right ear. Then, make a rounded trapezoid shape at the bottom of the body shape for Gilly's skirt.

Erase any extra lines you might have on your drawing. Then, draw Gilly's hood around her head, remembering to include the knot under her chin where it's fastened.

Lightly sketch a pair of crossed lines on Gilly's head, which will help you later on when you're drawing her face. Next, draw the cape that drapes over Gilly's shoulders, and fill in the lower edge of her raised left arm (which is on your right).

Using the guidelines you made in the last step, draw Gilly's wide, frightened eyes. Be sure to include some curved lines in her eyes for her pupils and irises (the coloured part of her eye). Since her head is turned, Gilly's left eye (on your right) should be slightly narrower than her right eye (on the left). Then, draw her nose and mouth.

Erase your extra lines, and add a few locks of hair to the top and sides of Gilly's head, peeking out from her hood.

Finish drawing the Usul's legs and give her some shoes and socks. Then, complete her arms and add a bit of shape to her hands. Gilly is holding a lantern in her right hand (on your left), so make sure that one appears to be gripping something.

Begin to draw Gilly's lantern by making a sideways "C" shape and adding a flattened ring shape beneath it.

Connect the two shapes you drew in the last step with three curved bars. Then, draw the lantern's handle.

Place a small candle inside the lantern. Since it will be mostly hidden by the thin bars you made in the last step, just include a few little hints that the candle is there.

Your drawing is almost done! Add some furry texture to Gilly's tail, include a few details here and there, and erase any remaining extra lines.

Use anything you'd like to give your picture some colour, from coloured pencils to a computer program!

To make the drawing look extra special, add a lot of shading, which will give it a feeling of depth and realism. There you have it...your very own drawing of Gilly the brave Usul!