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At last, the chance to draw your very own Tuskaninny has arrived! This little chap is quite easy to sketch once you know how.

Click here for a printable version.

It's time to add a little detail. Draw a line all the way across the face (so that it cuts through the top of the flat oval shape). Next, draw another curve (an upside down smile shape) that cuts through the line you just drew. You have now drawn its nose. Lastly, make two wide "U" shapes that meet under your Tuskaninny's nose to form its mouth.

After making sure that you don't have any extra lines, add some more detail to your drawing. First, place a small circle inside each eye for the pupils. Then, add some short curved lines over your Tuskaninny's eyes (for its eyebrows) and another short curved line just above its nose. Make some dots on the Tuskaninny's snout for its whiskers, and give its tail more detail. Finally, add a tuft of hair and your Tuskaninny is complete!

Once you have finished sketching your Tuskaninny, you can add some colour and shading. This will make your picture look much more life-like.