How to draw a Quiggle: Printable Version

First draw one big circle. This will become your Quiggle's Body. Now draw two little circles on the top of the large circle. These will make up the eyes.

Add two square-ish shape on the side of the large circle. Then draw a circle on the bottom left of the large circle.

Now you need to draw two flipper shapes on the bottom of the circle. These will become the feet.

You already have the basic shape, now you need to add some curves to make your drawing come together.

You can now delete all the lines you no longer need. This should clean up your image to look something like this.

Add little circles onto the hands and feet to make up the toes.

Add two small lines for the eyes, draw a nice big mouth and add two little lines on the top of the head to form strands of hair.

Finally add little lines for the corners of the mouth, chin and tongue. Erase anywhere the circles overlapped the hands and toes to complete your drawing.

If you want to make your Quiggle more interesting you can add some colour. Use your imagination and have fun making up your own colours.